Are You Too Salty or Too Sweet?

Trying to evaluate your dating persona? Read on to make sure you aren’t too salty or too sweet.

Too salty

Sarcasm can be funny and attractive. If people don’t know you’re kidding, you could come across as a negative, insensitive or rude. When you are first starting to get to know someone, ease into your sarcastic sense of humor by making sure they know that you are teasing. Being overly salty could hurt their feelings, and limit the amount of dates you go on. There is also a greater chance you’ll attract a certain type of person that you may not want to date.

Too sweet

Coming across as overly sweet can, at first glance, make you seem fake or closed off. People who are too sweet can accidentally lead people on. You can still be kind and say no to a date if you just aren’t interested. Be clear about your intentions. Honesty is not the same thing as being rude.

Just right

Just be yourself! Yes, it’s a bit cliché. Honest communication is the key to having a good dating experience. Don’t try to be something you’re not, but try to put your best self forward. Make sure you show respect for the individual you are on a date with, because whether you clicked or not, dating all sorts of people is enjoyable and developmental.

   -Taryn Royall

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