Spice up your Lemonade

Nothing quite says summer like lemonade. Put a new spin on lemonade with these mix-ins and keep things sweet throughout the summer.

Basic Lemonade (not pictured)
1 ½ cups lemon juice
¾ cup sugar
6 cups water
Adjust sweetness and tartness to taste.

Berry Exciting
Blend 1 ½ cups of blueberries, blackberries, strawberries or raspberries with lemon juice before adding the water and sugar.
Add ¾ cup of two different berries for a new blend.

Keep It Green
Blend one peeled and sliced cucumber with water and lemon juice. Strain out the pulp before adding sugar to the lemonade.

Add ½ cup of either chopped basil or mint to completed lemonade.
Add chopped herbs to berry lemonade for a fresh and fruity flavor.

To basic lemonade recipe, add:
5 cups either watermelon, cantaloupe or honeydew juice.

Thrills and Grills
Grilled lemons create a more intense, deep flavor. Dip rims of glasses in lemon juice and then sea salt for an extra burst of flavor.

Planning the perfect picnic

When well-planned, picnics make a romantic and easy date. They give couples a relaxed setting to get to know one another. However, a poorly-planned picnic can end in spilled food, itching skin and no hope for another date. Follow these tips to avoid classic pitfalls and mistakes.

Pick a Great Location
Check out the list of parks on page 49. Factor in the walking distance from the car to the picnic spot.

Decide on a Time
When you go determines the type of food you bring. Breakfast might be yogurt, fruit and granola, while dinner could include hot dogs for grilling.

Bring a Blanket
Even if the picnic is just for two people, bring a blanket where two people can comfortably sit, with extra space for the food. Large woven blankets or old tablecloths work well.

Have a Container for Food
Picnic baskets are fun but unnecessary. A cooler is the best option if food needs to be kept cool. However, grocery sacks or tote bags will do in a pinch. If there will be a small hike, a backpack might be the best option. Food is heavy.

Choose Picnic-friendly Food
Finger foods are generally the safest option. Think of foods that can be eaten easily without a table. Sandwiches, cookies, sliced fruit or vegetables are all ideal, as are drinks with screw-on lids.

Take Out the Trash
Bring a plastic bag for garbage in case there isn’t a trash can nearby. Other items to consider bringing are hand sanitizer, baby wipes, insect repellent and sunscreen.

Have Adequate Utensils
Bring plenty of napkins, as well as any knives, forks or spoons you might need.

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