Author: TWO

You just kissed the guy of your dreams and can’t wait to get home so you can tell your roommates…

Rejecting the Non-threatening Invitation
A guy often extends a non-threatening invitation to a girl because he doesn’t want her to assume he is interested,…

Stop Trying to Fix Him
Women have a habit of wanting to fix the men in their lives. Women do not have the right to…
Dating Diary: Jake
One time I went on a four-wheeler date with a girl from my ward, and she’d never been before. She…

Should You Go Back To Your Ex?
Why you want to go back [toggle title=”You miss them” state=”closed”] Why you shouldn’t It’s easy when you’re reminiscing to…

Keeping Up With Friends
You found the girl of your dreams. You start dating and soon find yourself spending all of your time together.…