You found the girl of your dreams. You start dating and soon find yourself spending all of your time together.…
Category: Uncategorized

Recovering from embarrassing situations
You spilled juicy red tomato sauce on your white blouse. You passed gas as you opened the door for her…

What He Doesn’t Notice
Women go to so much more trouble and spend so much more time getting ready for the day than men…

The Art of Humor
Humor breaks barriers in social settings. People have courage if they can use laughter to address a situation or problem.…

Love Science
The chemistry behind relationships What happens inside our bodies as we date? Allan Judd, a physiology and developmental biology professor,…

Embrace Your Natural Flirt
Flirting is not as hard as the world makes it out to be. Flirting for many people is a natural…

Vaguely Interested Guide to Football for Those Who Have to Feign Interest
General Rules ▶▶Each team has 11 players on the field. ▶▶The team with the ball has four plays (called downs)…